added some new prints to the shop! in some related news, its only a matter of time before the new salty not sweet opens, complete with a few swamp rat prints for sale!! i can't tell you how exciting it is to be featured in a real store :)
it's back to the white stuff outside here in cleveland. in an attempt to ignore winter and be in complete denial that its even here, i'm gonna think happy sunny thoughts. the word of the day here at hotel hot trash? SURF!
(you know what to do whenever anyone says the secret word, right? scream real loud! or something.)
i must admit, i've never surfed in my life nor do i have any real interest to. i'm not athletically inclined in the least, and i don't like water sports that ruin my hairdo. that doesn't stop us from having a few surf-related items here at HHT.
josh got this cool license plate at a barn sale for $1. it was the same barn sale that had the giant plastic cheeseburger for sale that broke my heart, but i digress.
no place is complete without a crazed-looking ratfink holding a surfboard that he chomped on.
see that kooky little blue guy up in the top left corner? he's one of my favorite guys here at hotel hot trash, and one of my best thrift scores ever. i literally can't find one single thing about him online, so i have no idea when he is from. his tag reads "T.L. Toys HK LTD." if you have any info on this guy, by all means let me know!
so you probably want to know what's so great about him, right? well if you push the button on his foot, he sings the trashmen's "surfin bird." its not even a rerecording, its the orginal song! so cool. thank goodness for weird unlicensed products from china! though that would have been awesome if it was an officially licensed trashmen product and they sold them at their merch tables at shows and shit. ha.
here's one of my favorite surf-rock songs to keep things sunny!
cleveland is practically snowed in today, so i'm using my day off to make some homemade soup and work from home. lucky for you, that means more cool vintage. i'm letting go of some neat stuff this time (read: pinup girls, look out!!!) click on any of the images to be taken to the shop!
vintage "music to strip by" burlesque record
hard to find 80s dakin frou frou troll bear plush
hard to find 80s snugglebumm toy
vintage rockabilly pinup girl card suit smock top
vintage rockabilly pinup girl asian-style top
set of two (2) big-eyed EDEN girl prints
set of three (3) creepy old dolls
gacy "cuddle with a serial killer" pillowcase
ted bundy "cuddle with a serial killer" pillowcase
richard ramirez "cuddle with a serial killer" pillowcase
...happy birthday to the one and only ELVIS! the only man josh would publicly admit is a "hunk" live on the airwaves, and who he admits that "every guy is jealous of, and every girl is jealous that he isn't their boyfriend."
ain't that the truth!
speaking of elvis, did you see the exciting news about our wedding???
as most of you are already aware, i have a big ol' crush on old photographs (and photographs in general). it doesn't matter if the photos are of my family or not, i still horde them like there's no tomorrow (and i have boxes, bags, and an entire shelf of hotel hot trash as proof).
recently, a second cousin of mine brought out a book he's been working on at a family party. he has been researching our family tree on my mom's side and has uncovered lots of neat photos and stories about ancestors i never knew existed. i wish i talked to him more often so that i had more info to share, but at least he emailed my mom a few of the old photographs that he came across in his research. they're pretty neat!
this one reminds me of josh's song "mean old man"....hoooowheee he looks mad!
he died so young :(
absolutely LOVE these old new england-style headstones!
vintage addict and collector of many things. college radio and local deejay. record nerd and lover of sleazy rock'n'roll. new mama to violet mae and married to the greasiest pompadour in town. we have a crazy wiener dog named schlitzie and three naughty cats named pogo, megadeth and lemmy. interested in true crime, spooky things, and living every day like it's halloween.
kindly observe: the content on this page (both written word and visuals) are the personal property of the blog's author. unauthorized use of creative output is strictly forbidden. please feel free to link back to this blog at any time, or contact me if you would like permission to reproduce or use any of the material you see here. THANK YOU!