Thursday, February 26, 2009

blood and kittens

things have been a little crazy lately and i haven't been able to post. last sunday josh and i went to now that's class for the flying trichecos 7" release show.




things are usually out of hand there, but this was more than i was expecting. besides the organ getting smashed to bits with a baseball bat, it was also set on fire. well, first there was a little fire that was a part of someone's set. and then they decided to tip the organ over onto the fire, and it went POOF! and caught on fire quicker than i think anyone was expecting. people were trying to put it out with beer, rock salt, dirty mop water, etc.










i love these two pictures:



halfway through the flying trichecos set, i saw josh walk to the bathroom with blood on his hand. he had been standing behind me, so i didn't see what happened. someone tapped me on the shoulder and a guy told me, "your dude just got hit on the head with a beer bottle. i don't think it was good." uh-oh. i saw josh walk out the front door and i followed him out there. when i asked what happened, he put his hand up to his head and brought it down covered with blood. I FREAKED. he insisted he was fine, but i don't know the first thing about heads splitting open so i wasn't so sure. we got home and i tried to assess the damage but there was so much blood clotted in his hair that it was hard to tell. plus, josh was drunk, which made everything 10x harder. i had to force him to get in the shower and wash the blood out of his hair, all the while making sure he didn't fall over when he took his pants off and making sure he didn't fall asleep in the shower because he kept trying. it was like giving a bath to a two-year-old. except in this instance, the two-year-old was my poor, bloody, drunk boyfriend. he convinced me that he didn't need to go to the hospital for stitches, so i sat up with him making sure we got the bleeding to stop and wrapping his head in bandages so he could go to bed. it was a long nite. work in the morning was not pleasant for either one of us, although i can imagine it was worse for him when he woke up with a splitting headache. in the chaos of everything, i didn't get any pictures of how bad things looked, but there was certainly evidence everwhere. and josh's head still looked pretty gnarly the next day.



a couple entries ago i mentioned my friend jeff magnum. he told me the other day that he learned how to burn dvds, and to watch out. he quickly sent me a copy of his favorite horror movie (something about a killer tree?!?) and another dead boys bootleg from '77. as you can see, i'm acquiring quite the dead boys bootleg collection. mags is one of the best people i know. i'm one lucky girl.



here are a bunch of pictures of my kitten, pogo. she is the most insane little kitten i have ever seen. she still loves hiding everywhere, sticking her head places it shouldn't be (i.e., in beer boxes), and using the bathtub as her playground/bed.











  1. From punk rock, to blood to kitties. I feel like I got a full dose of blog heaven.

    *le sigh*

    Your cat should have a playdate with my cat. He likes to turn on the water faucet and flood the bathroom.

  2. if the playdate will tire her out so she sleeps 23 hours a day, COUNT ME IN! i guess i should be thankful my cats haven't learned how to flood the bathroom yet.
